Thursday, February 28, 2008

Lazy Girl

One month ago we caught Lilian purposely roll over on video. Since then, she has decided that rolling over is too much work not to be able to do anything on her tummy, so this is as far as she gets. When she gets tired, she'll roll to her side and back until she falls asleep. It's too cute!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Lilian is 4 months!

Lilian went for her 4 month check-up today. All looked great--then, the shots began. She started out with a vaccine by mouth, which she decided that she would suck down instead of waiting for the nurse to squeeze it in her mouth. Then, the screaming commenced as the nurse swiftly stuck the first, second, and third needle in her little legs. She's doing fine now, but it was a devastating few minutes.

Here's Lilian in her Valentine's Day attire.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Dedicated to the Lord

Lilian had her Baby Dedication on Sunday, Feb. 17. All seems wonderful in this video clip of the service. But, what you don't see here are the events leading up to getting to the Dedication...

Saturday night, Lilian and I (Allison) were heading home from a weekend with grandparents. Right after getting onto I55, I blew a tire. Easy fix, right? Just put the spare on. Apparently, we bought the car without a spare; something that we didn't really think too much about until Saturday night. So, Lilian and I hung out on the side of the interstate waiting to be rescued. We got in touch with the local police to come and get us to an exit so Lilian could eat. But, Lilian's carseat would not fit into the police car because of the cage. Justin and my dad eventually found us. Lilian and I took my dad's truck to Burger King to wait while Justin, my dad, and the policeman worked on my tire. Because I shredded the tire beyond the fixability of fix-a-flat and some air, we had the car towed to the Burger King parking lot and my dad drove us home.

Because Justin had to go to work after church, we had to do something with the car before church. So, Justin and Jay (a good friend on campus) left at 6:30 Sunday morning, got a tire, drove an hour to the car, changed the tire, drove back, and made it to church on time. Lilian and I rode to church with Jay's wife, Lilian (referred to as Big Lilian). So, all made it for the Baby Dedication.

What is the moral of the story? It could be "the Lord takes care of His children." It could be "Satan works to prevent us from following the Lord's will." Or, it could be "make sure you have a spare!" I'm not really sure what the purpose was, but I know that the Lord protected us and He is the one to be praised. We praise Him for sending help in the flesh. We praise Him for allowing the policeman not to write a ticket for our expired inspection sticker. We praise Him for getting us to the Dedication. And, we praise Him for our beautiful daughter who He has entrusted to us to raise in His ways. I pray that Lilian would trust Christ for her salvation and always desire to please God above all else.

She Speaks

Aunt Britt plays with Lilian's long toes. She has something to say about it.

Sleepy Head

Lilian likes to sleep with her head to the side.

Papaw Berry

Lilian is sitting with her papaw. That is Allison's grandfather.


At 3 months, Lilian decided that it was time to roll over. The first time was an accident, and she was not happy to have her face planted into the floor. But, she has since purposely turned over while reaching for a toy. I will add a video later if I can figure out how to get it up.

Her daddy also is able to get her to laugh. Apparently, he is the only one who is really funny to her because mommy sure can't get her to. We were able to get that on video last night. I'll get this video, too, so you can hear it.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

New blog...

We realized that if we wanted to keep family and friends updated on Lilian, it would take more space than we were willing to give on our own blog. The result -- Lilian now has her own page. This whole site is dedicated to her, so check back frequently. We'll try to keep it as current as our life allows.