Saturday, December 19, 2009
We leave for Paraguay today. Please pray for Thomas and Lilian as they make the transition.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thomas Talks
Thomas has learned that he has to work really hard to get attention when his sister is around. Here he is practicing his sweet baby noises!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Happy Birthday Lilian!
We had Lilian's 2nd birthday in our house and decorated the place with bees, flowers, and butterflies. Here is a picture of the decorations. We told Lilian to keep the door shut or they would fly away.

Lilian's cake was great thanks to our neighbors decorating skills.
Lilian with one of her friends.
Allison bought Lilian a typical dress so that she can do the traditional dances like her mom. She loves it and keeps asking to put it on and play doot doot. Doot Doot is the sound one of the songs makes.
By the way the fireworks for Christmas have started up.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Today the Glovers left for Peru. We may get to see them in December on our way to Paraguay, but it will be a long time before we see them again. Hannah and Lilian were really close. When they were getting in the van to drive off Lilian said, "Hannah" in kind of a whimper and started crying. Please pray for the Glovers as they transition to Peru.
Saturday, October 10, 2009 baby
Lilian would like to present to her blog followers her little brother, Thomas Nathanael, more commonly known by Lilian as "baby." She was a little curious in the hospital when she saw him for the first time, but was a little afraid to get too close.

Once at home, however, Lilian couldn't get enough of her little brother. She would climb up on the couch and get her arms ready to hold him (which meant she folded her arms across her chest). When we set him in her lap, she would quickly wrap her arms around him and then start "beeping" his nose, playing with his feet, and putting her cheek to his face for "kisses."
She helped Thomas through his first sponge bath at home and even whined a little when he cried. Here she is telling him he did a great job.
Now, she keeps tabs on him 24-7. She wants to know where he is, what he doing, if he needs to go "nite-nite," if he needs a diaper change...She's gonna be our big helper!!
Thomas has even been "sleeved." This is what Lilian does to us when she is tired or wants to snuggle. Now, she has one more set of sleeves in the family that she can snuggle up to!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Independence Day
September 15th was Independence Day here is Costa Rica. To celebrate, Daddy and Lilian went to a lantern parade the night before. Lilian had a ball carrying around her little lantern and watching all of the people.

Here's Lilian with our friend, Rebeca.
Lilian was also able to walk in her own parade at her school. As you can tell, she was really excited to be marching.

But, we couldn't pass an Independence Day without celebrating it our gringo way as well!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Mommy's Lil Helper
Lilian's new favorite thing is to help wash the dishes. If she hears the water in the sink running or the sound of dishes and silverware, she runs to the table and starts pushing one of the chairs to the kitchen to help. She grabs her own little rag, she gets her soap, and she really scrubs things clean. She does such a good job, in fact, I sometimes don't have to go behind her and rewash stuff!

After the scrubbing comes her favorite part: the rinsing. I think she would stay here all day and play in the water if we let her.
I hope she continues to help in a few weeks when baby arrives! We may just make this her daily chore!
Monday, August 24, 2009
We had a get together for the people that were leaving Costa Rica to go to there perspective fields. The meeting was at a family's house that had this swing in the backyard. Lilian loved it, as you can tell by the multiple wee wee wees. I don't know if she saw someone do it before, but we never taught her to do this.
Justin's Grerandparents
Justin's grandparents came for a visit in July. Lilian took to them very well. They were able to spend some time seeing the country and a couple days playing with Lilian. Paw paw Wisconsin (Justin distinguishes his grand parents geographically) taught Lilian everything he knows about hunting and Lilian let Maw maw Wisconsin rock and sing her to sleep, which she doesn't usually let people do.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
No no no!!!
Lilian has been in the saying "no" stage. She says it to dogs, cats, cars, people walking down the road it doesn't matter. She shakes her finger and says "no." There is a picture of her doing it to somebody outside. The funny thing is that Friday night, while she was sleeping, I heard her say "No." I asked Allison if she was still asleep and she said yes. So, it has gotten so bad that she is telling things no in her sleep. Hopefully, it won't last much longer.
I just thought this picture was cute.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Hannah's B-Day
One of Lilian's best friends had her two year old birthday party. Lilian had a great time running around with her friends and playing games. 
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Mind Your Manners
We've been working on manners with Lilian. It's going a little slow, but she seems to be catching on. We finally got her saying "No, mam." She still doesn't quite know when to use it--she'll use it to mean "yes" and she'll say it to Daddy--but, sometimes she gets it right.
And, we're going to have to continue working on food etiquette...
Monday, May 4, 2009
Year and a half
It's hard to believe, but Lilian is already a year and a half! She has done a lot of growing in the past few months. Right now she is working on talking. Although most of what she says doesn't really make sense, she tells you with feeling and intensity. She is also imitating everything that we do (or at least trying!). Here she is trying to make the same faces as me.
Here are some random photos from the last few weeks.
She loves to talk on the phone. (You'd think we do it all the time...).
The beaches.
She loves to label faces. One morning, she woke up really early and Justin put her in the bed with us. I couldn't go back to sleep because she kept poking me everywhere saying "eyes, nose, mouth..."
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Volcano Trip
Monday, March 23, 2009
Happy Birthday Avery!
Monday, March 2, 2009
I'm a big sister!
Monday, February 23, 2009
The Dance: Energy of the Hands
Lilian has been doing this dance for a few days now. I promise I did not teach her. Either she learned it from school or she is a modern choreographing prodigy!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
Piñata Fun
Lilian went to a princess ballerina pajama party. I said that right. There was a piñata at the party. Each child got a shot at it even Lilian.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Talk it up!
Sorry for the lack of posting. We have had some trouble loading videos. We don't know where Lilian got this from. We don't really talk on the phone that much.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Silly Lilly
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