It's been quite a while since the last post, and we've had a lot going on to catch up on. We spent a week in January in Olmue, Chile, for a general meeting with IMB. Everyone from Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, and Chile went. It was a fantastic and refreshing time for everyone. Here are some pics of the beautiful place we stayed.
There were tons of outdoor pools with kiddy pools and sitting pools attached.
Unfortunately, these weren't ready to eat!
Volunteers were brought in to help with a VBS for the kids. Lilian got to attend and had so much fun. She still talks about her teacher and the things they did in class. They also gave us a copy of the CD with the VBS music. We have listened to it almost everyday since we left, and Lilian dances through all the songs. She's even tried to teach Thomas some of the moves so he can keep up. (I'll post a video on the next post.)
Thomas, however, wasn't too excited about going to the nursery everyday. He eventually warmed up because the helpers discovered that if they took him outside to this fountain he was as happy as could be. I pray God is continuing to bless those nursery workers, because they had a week of hard work keeping those babies happy! Thank you to everyone who helped! This video is of Thomas after dinner one night at his "happy place."
The part that we all enjoyed the most was being with friends; some old, some new. Here is little London. She was one of the Costa Rica babies with Thomas (but she was born in Argentina). Both of the children loved Miss London. She was a trooper to last through all of the poking and "getting in your face."
Here's a new little friend, Anna Kate, Lilian met in her class.
But, with seeing friends, comes the good-byes. Here we are saying good-bye to our group from Costa Rica: London, Parker, Billy, and Issac (& little Lila).

Although we'll miss our friends, new and old, we hope to see them again soon. Thank you so much for your Lottie Moon Offering gifts that made this meeting possible for us.
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