Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My favorite hour...

Tomorrow will be a month since Gabriela has been born. (I never did an official blog introduction. Sorry! I've been a little busy.) And, yes, we are still surviving. We are finding new ways to do things. The older kids are learning (or I'm trying to teach them) some patience. I'm remembering what goes into taking care of a newborn. And, we are rearranging our daily schedule to try to fit it all in. But, one thing that I have guarded is nap time. That has been and will continue to be a protected time of day. And, Gabriela is taking to the idea as well. So, here is a picture of my favorite few hours of the day--a picture that can only be truly appreciated by those who have had little ones. (And, don't worry. I didn't leave Gabriela there--it was just for the picture.)

Gabi has been a great baby during the awake hours as well. She's a great eater and great sleeper. I'm having to wake her up some nights to make sure she eats enough (something that will end as soon as possible!).

But, it's still hard to believe that we have another baby. Especially since mostly all we see of her is her little round face peeking out of mounds of clothes and blankets! Hopefully soon it will warm up enough for us to enjoy seeing all of her!

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