Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I think Lilian has a crush. We were getting on the plane for New Orleans and sitting next to us was Erica and Elliot Ho (friends from seminary.) Elliot is ten months old. Lilian was talking to him the whole flight. She is such a flirt. The picture from left to right: Calvin, Elliot, and Erica Ho.


Lilian went to the doctor today and was very healthy. The Doc said that she is in the 10-20% in weight, but is in the 98% in height. She may become the Argentine version of Lisa Leslie. (Pivot is the spanish word for the Center position in basketball.)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Cool temperatures

We are enjoying the cool weather in Wisconsin.  Lilian thinks the grass here tastes way better than that Louisiana grass.  


Lilian appears to like basketball.  Her defense is pretty good, but she needs some work on her jump shot.  

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Baby Space

We finished our crate this week in New Orleans. There was actually a space big enough for Lilian to fit in. It seemed like a good idea, but then we thought that she will grow a lot in the almost two years before we get our crate and the space does not grow with her.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Growing to Fast

Lilian has pulled up a couple of times, but we were real surprised to turn the corner and see her standing up in her crib. We don't know how she did it, but I don't think we were ready for this.

Animal Crackers

Lilian had her first cookie while on the trip. Her Maw Maw gave her a camel animal cracker. She doesn't have teeth (like most people in Tenessee) so she kept it in her mouth until it desolved.

Packing and Laundry

Lilian helping us pack and helping with the Laundry

Friday, July 4, 2008

Cold River

Gatlinburg, TN

We spent a week with Allison's family in Gatlinburg last week. Here are some highlights of our trip:

The Dixie Stampede was great, but it wore Lilian out! Now we have to dance around and do horse tricks to get her to eat, though. So spoiled...

She loved the Smoky Mountain Trails, but these too wore her out...

We discovered that Lilian was a very talented rock climber...

She loved the stingrays at the aquarium...

And, Cade's Cove was fun...

Overall, it was a fantastic trip and a good time with family. We thank God for this time He has given us this summer to spend time with family.