Wednesday, September 15, 2010

School Time

We recently searched our little town for a preschool for Lilian so that she could have more exposure to the language. However, they don't have anything here until kindergarden age. So, Lili and I started having school in the morning while Thomas was sleeping. We're learning our shapes, colors, number, and letters and working on our writing and coloring skills. We've only been at it for a few weeks, but it's amazing how much she is learning and retaining. Here, I told her to practice tracing her letters while I set up a letter game for her to play. I thought that she'd just scribble around, but she really traced them. I was so proud to see what resembled letters on her white board that I took a picture! (Thanks for the awesome whiteboard, Meme and PawPooh!)

She's so big!!

As for Thomas, he's running around and climbing anything he can. He loves dancing and being chased. Here is a little of our nightly entertainment.